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A common metric to assess test prioritization, implemented as defined by Feng et. al..

Usage example:

from dnn_tip.apfd import apfd_from_order

# As inputs, you'll need:
# - *is_fault* An 1-D boolean array specifying for each test if it is a fault
# - *index_order* An 1-D integer array specifying assessed order by index
#   (e.g. [2,1,3,0] means that test-2 has highest priority, test-1 has second highest priority, etc.)
apfd_value = apfd_from_order(is_fault, index_order)

CAM (Coverage-Additive Method)

CAM prioritizes tests, given their (neuron or surprise) coverage profiles, to optimize the overall coverage of the selected tests. Note that our and previous, research shows hardly any advantage from using CAM, but a large computational overhead.

Usage example:

from dnn_tip import prioritizers

# a coverage "score" is the coverage score for a single test
#   For neuron coverage, it is the number of neurons (or segments) covered by the test.
#   For surprise coverage, it is the surprise adequacy score of the test.

# CAM is implemented as a generator (allowing lazy collection of just a few tests).
#   Hence, to get the full priority order, we need to iterate over the generator.
priority_order = list(, profile))